Please read the information below BEFORE submitting the money back request form below.

There is no risk to you! The effectiveness of our study tools allows us to stand behind them with our no-hassle money back guarantee. In the unlikely event that you invest in one of our interactive learning programs (*that includes the money back guarantee) and you do not pass the exam, there are only three criteria required for a refund.

* When you request a refund you are essentially returning the product; doing so means that you must stop using the tools. Accessing the tools after you have submitted a refund request voids the guarantee.

NOTE: If your package includes a printed study guide then it is not covered by the money back guarantee. If your refund request is approved the cost + shipping of the printed study guide plus tax will be deducted from your order payment refund. You retain the study guide and it is not returned.

That's our guarantee in the nutshell but for FAQs and the finer details click here.


If you do not meet all three (3) conditions above, and you did not use the proper course study tools for your exam, you will not qualify for the money back guarantee. There are no exceptions. Your exam transcript is available in your student access at course/exam provider usually within 3 days. By clicking "Yes, I understand and agree", you expressly confirm your understanding that if your refund request is approved, you lose access to the online study tools for the course as you are essentially returning the product. You also understand that after you submit this refund request, you must not access the study tools course or it will cancel your refund request.
What do you feel that we could have done better or improve upon?
You have to provide proof of failure. From most exam providers you will have available a PDF document that you can download of your Student Performance Record that shows your exam fail. If a PDF is not available you can provide a screen-shot, image, or scan of your exam fail letter. This must be of an official document from your exam provider showing the date of your exam, the exam name, and your name.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 60

For further clarification, please read these FAQs about our Money Back Guarantee.

Fortunately, we do not have to issue many refunds because our students enjoy a very high success rate on their exams. But, for the few who are unsuccessful, our three conditions are very simple. The FAQs below further explain how to qualify and request your refund, if required.

  1. What should I do if I failed my exam but I want to continue to use the study tools for my re-write?
    By requesting a refund you are essentially returning the product. If you would like to use the study tools for your re-write, do not request a refund as you will lose your access. Instead, you can continue to use the tools during your subscription time period and the guarantee will apply to your next attempt in the highly unlikely event that you are unsuccessful again.
  2. What if I purchased the wrong study tools?
    The materials provided in your student account are based on your selection at the time of purchase. You can only claim a refund if you took the exam that corresponds with the study tools you purchased. The responsibility for selecting the correct course materials lies with the student. If your access has not expired and you would like to switch the study tools in your student account to the correct course, please reach out to our support team.
  3. Are there any exceptions to the refund criteria mentioned above?
    SeeWhy Learning is the only company in the industry that stands behind its products that include a money back guarantee (this is noted with each product order option description). Therefore, there are no exceptions to the money back guarantee criteria for products that offer it. You must meet all three criteria to qualify for a refund.
  4. Can I obtain a refund if changed my mind and will no longer be attempting the exam?
    The money back guarantee only applies if you actually write and fail your exam. You will not receive a refund if you simply want to cancel.
  5. Does the money back guarantee apply if I purchased study tools from SeeWhy Learning through a special corporate pricing program?
    If you purchased your study tools from SeeWhy Learning through a special corporate pricing program, and are not sure if you qualify for the money back program, please contact us to clarify.
  6. If a subscription extension is requested and granted, fee paid or at no charge, does the money back guarantee still apply?
    If a subscription extension is requested and granted, usually due to personal reasons, the money back guarantee no longer applies if the subscription order has expired, nor does it apply to the fee paid for the extension.
  7. Does the money back guarantee apply to the printed study guide either as an upgrade or when included in the online study tools purchase?
    No, the money back guarantee does not apply to the printed version of the study guide.
  8. If I request a refund, but continue to use the tools while I am awaiting my refund, will this void my right to a refund?
    When you request a refund you are essentially returning the product; doing so means that you must stop using the tools. Accessing the tools after you have submitted a refund request voids the guarantee. Therefore, you must discontinue use even if you are still able to login. All learning center activities are logged with date, time, study tool accessed, and duration.
  9. In what form must the failure notice be submitted to SeeWhy Learning to qualify for a guarantee?
    When submitting your refund request, your failure notice must be one of the following: a) The PDF file of your exam transcript issued by the exam provider. The learning centre of your course provider will have a link to download the PDF report transcript of your exam. b) IFSE® CIFC or OTL® Exam students: IFSE does not issue exam failure documents online. You will need to take a screenshot of your online failure notification as proof of failure and send it to us. The Insurance Institute OTL® sends an email notification.
    **** The request form on this page is also required.
  10. How long will it take to receive my refund?
    Depending on your original payment method, and how long after your order date you are requesting the refund, the time will vary. Please contact us if you have any questions about your requested refund.

IMPORTANT: You do not have to request a refund because you failed your exam. We are here to make sure you pass! While we will reach out to you to discuss your options and verify your money back request, you can contact us directly and talk to our experienced support staff, or one of our professional and qualified trainers, for best advice on your next exam attempt. We want to be part of your success!

READ ME FIRST: Please note that the purchase of SeeWhy Financial Learning’s exam preparation materials does not constitute enrollment in the actual licensing course(s). Instead, our materials are designed to assist you in understanding the content of such courses. If you have not already done so, you must register with the applicable course provider in order to obtain their course materials and write the actual exam.